Saving relation

Coming from J2EE platform and having background with hibernate and JPA it seems wierd to me that I cannot update relation this way:

$parent->child = $child;


It doesnt persist new relation, instead you have to do:

$parent->child_id = $child->id; (persisted relation)

$parent->child = $child; (online relation)


Why is this necessary or am I missing something?


Thats what bugged me for a while too. To solve this, I wrote a behavior that executes cascaded save on all desired child objects:

class CascadeSaveBehavior extends CActiveRecordBehavior


    public $relations = array();


    public function afterSave($event)


        foreach($this->relations as $relation => $attributes)






                    $relation = $attributes;


                    $attributes = array();



                $objects = $this->Owner->getRelated($relation);


                if($objects !== null)


                    foreach($attributes as $attribute => $value)


                        if($value === $this->Owner)


                            $attributes[$attribute] = $this->Owner->id;






                        foreach($objects as $object)


                            foreach($attributes as $attribute => $value)


                                $object->setAttribute($attribute, $value);








                        foreach($attributes as $attribute => $value)


                            $objects->setAttribute($attribute, $value);









        return true;



Usage example:


public function relations()


    return array(

        'sampleRelation' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'ChildClass', 'parentId')



public function behaviors()


    return array(

        'CascadeSaveBehavior' => array(

            'class' => 'application.components.behaviors.CascadeSaveBehavior',

            'relations' => array(

                // Here we set the attributes of child elements before saving them.

                'sampleRelation' => array('parentId' => $this, 'attribute' => 'value', ...)





I think this behavior could be made more complete by automating the setting of foreign keys. At the moment, for ‘has many’ relation foreign key should be specified with ‘foreignKeyField’ => $this. Many other improvements could be made too, I think (like avoid saving objects without changes).