Adding A "back To List" Button In The Crud Generated Forms

Was wondering if it will be a Good idea to add "Back to List" Button in the create, update and view pages of the CRUD.

For example,

When a User clicks on the create page and changes his mind then there is no button for him to take back to the index or list page. He can always do it from the top Breadcrumb link. But what if the breadcrumb is to be hidden in the UI design.

Also in the Update page, What if the user wants to go back without updating anything.




I hope it will help… cheers.

For go back to listarray(‘label’=>’ Back to List’, ‘url’=>array(‘admin’))

for just one page back

array(‘label’=>yii::t(‘deutsch’,‘back’), ‘url’=>empty(Yii::app()->request->urlReferrer)?’#’:yii::app()->request->urlReferrer,),

Just create a custom template for gii.

Thnx for the inputs.

Chandran,it was a suggestion to the Dev team to include it in the Gii so that one has to not add the link.

You have a link in the breadcrumbs that brings you back to the list.