need help installing srbac???

Hi there, I’m new to Yii and im currently trying to install the srbac_1_02 module.

When I point my browser to webroot/index.php?r=srbac/authItem/install, i get the following error



CDbCommand failed to prepare the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: items

Source File


I’m not sure if there’s something i’ve missed or need to configure. I’m gathering that’s it’s looking for the 3 tables specified in the authManager array.

Also, when I remove the authManager array from main.php config file, I am able to view the install page. But can’t install.

Any help would be great!


could you show me your config here?

it should contain modules and authmanager.

here is mine:

'modules' => array(








		  "superUser" =>"Authority",





		// auth manager








// ... another components


Sure thing!

return array(


	'name'=>'My Web Application',

	// preloading 'log' component


	// autoloading model and component classes





	// application components







					'levels'=>'error, warning',





			// enable cookie-based authentication



		// uncomment the following to set up database





		  // The type of Manager (Database)


		  // The database connection used


		  // The itemTable name (default:authitem)


		  // The assignmentTable name (default:authassignment)


		  // The itemChildTable name (default:authitemchild)





	// application modules	




		  // Your application's user class (default: User)


		  // Your users' table user_id column (default: userid)


		  // your users' table username column (default: username)


		  // If in debug mode (default: false)

		  // In debug mode every user (even guest) can admin srbac, also 

		  //if you use internationalization untranslated words/phrases 

		  //will be marked with a red star


		  // The number of items shown in each page (default:15)


		  // The name of the super user

		  "superUser" =>"Authority",

		  //The css file to use

		  "css"=>"srbac_red.css", // must be in srbac css folder

		  //The layout to use

		  "layout"=>"admin", // must be in protected/views/layouts/

		  //The not authorized page




	// application-level parameters that can be accessed

	// using Yii::app()->params['paramName']


		// this is used in contact page




I haven’t dived into yii extensively yet. I did browse the docs on authManager but it doesn’t seem to require anymore configuration. Hmmm… not sure? And the base app seems to work fine when i visit it.

Is your sqlite database in the path described in

‘connectionString’=>‘sqlite:’.dirname(FILE).’/../data/data.db’ ?

Also download again version 1.02 of srbac because a bug is fixed that may prevent you from installing and using srbac

I tried the previous version and it seemed to work fine. Just not with the latest release.

There’s a bug in AuthItamController.php

change the

 protected function beforeAction($action) {

        if( Yii::app()->user->checkAccess(Helper::findModule('srbac')->superUser) ||

            !Helper::isAuthorizer()) {

            return true;

        } else {




with this one

 protected function beforeAction($action) {


          return true;


        if( Yii::app()->user->checkAccess(Helper::findModule('srbac')->superUser) ||

            !Helper::isAuthorizer()) {

            return true;

        } else {




I will update the zip file too