Small Self Relation Trouble

Hello there,

I’ve a small trouble with a self related table.

The (simplified) structure of the table is:

id int(11) PK

name varchar(50)

parentId int(11)

In my model, I’ve:

public function relations()


   return array(

      'isChildOf' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'MyTable', 'id'),

      'isParentOf' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'MyTable', 'parentId'),



In my admin view, I want to display the parent name:

<?php $this->widget('CGridView', array(







         'name' => 'parentId',

         'value' => '$data->parentId'



         'header' => 'litteral',

         'value' => '$data->isChildOf->name'


)); ?>

When displaying my admin, ‘parentId’ is ok, but ‘litteral’ displays the name of the current element, not his father name…

I think I make something wrong, but what ?

Both BELONGS_TO and HAS_MANY uses the same column as fk. Just change id to parentId in isChildOf.

Ok, I’ll try tomorrow, I think I’ve tested but I’ve done a lot of combinations and peharps I miss the good one :)

try this, using ‘parent’ and ‘children’ for relation is much straight-forwards than ‘isChildOf’ and ‘isParentOf’

public function relations()


   return array(

      'parent' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'MyTable', 'parentId'),

      'children' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'MyTable', 'parentId'),



Hello there, and thanks for your help.

The trouble in the code I gave you was the fk, and before posting I’d tried with the same reference, I gave up because I had errors (trying to get properties of a non-object).

And then, THE solution: the error was in the template, some items haven’t any parent, then I’ve to do:


         'header' => 'litteral',

         'value' => '($data->parentId!=0)?$data->isChildOf->name:""'


Just a stupid error, sorry for the time you spent :)


not sure if this is the right way to do it.


         'header' => 'litteral',

         'value' => '$data->isChildOf->name'


since ‘children’ is supposed to be in has-many relationship while you are trying to display ‘one’

i rather do this:

$children = $model->isChildOf;

if ($children){

   //children list here


No no :)

"isChildOf" is well nommed, it contains the id of the parent, or 0, so a record can only be child of one other record.

But I made a small mistake, it’s HAS_ONE and not HAS_MANY in the relation.

I think I’ve peharps an inversion between HAS and BELONG, I’ll verify that.