Clistview + Cpagination Only Updates 1 Time

Hello, i started using yii a few days ago and i ran into a problem. I can’t figure out how to get my CListView to update with ajax. I searched the forum and the internet for solutions, and i got a few things, but my code is still not working properly.

index view code:

                <div id="latestAdsContainerBottomAds">

			<?php $this->_getListViewAds(); ?>


		<div id="latestAdsContainerBottomAdsPaginate">

			<?php $this->widget('CLinkPager', array(

                'pages' => $pages,


				'prevPageLabel' => '&lt',

				'nextPageLabel' => '&gt',







    $('ul.yiiPager a').click(function(ev){







_index_paging_view view code:



	$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(

		'id' => 'Ads',

		'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,

		'itemView' => '_view',


		'pagerCssClass' => 'result-list',

		'summaryText' => '',



SiteController controller code:

public function actionIndex()


		//get criteria

		$criteria = new CDbCriteria();

		$criteria->condition = 'typeID = :type';

		$criteria->params = array (':type'=> Ads::$selectedType);

		$criteria->order = 'id desc';


		//get count

		$count = Ads::model()->count($criteria);



		$pages = new CPagination($count);




		//result to show on page

		$result = Ads::model()->findAll($criteria);

		$dataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($result);


		$this->render('index', array(

			'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,

			'pages' => $pages



     public function _getListViewAds(){

		//get criteria

		$criteria = new CDbCriteria();

		$criteria->condition = 'typeID = :type';

		$criteria->params = array (':type'=> 1);

		$criteria->order = 'id desc';


		//get count

		$count = Ads::model()->count($criteria);



		$pages = new CPagination($count);


		//$thePage = $pages->getCurrentPage();




		//result to show on page

		$result = Ads::model()->findAll($criteria);

		$dataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($result);


		$this->renderPartial('_index_paging_view', array(

			'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,

			'pages' => $pages



This way i get the first 4(1-4) results, and i can click next, i get the next 4(5-8), but after that i still get the results 5-8. I used firebug and i saw that page remains on page=2 on every next button click. I can click previous button and it gets me the first 4(1-4) results again. So it seems like that it is working for 1 next and 1 prev button click. I think i should change the CPagination currentPage variable in the controller. I tried a way: //$thePage = $pages->getCurrentPage(); //$pages->setCurrentPage($thePage+1); , but it’s not working.

Maybe i have a problem with my MVC system, i’m new to this too.

Hope someone can help me out,


Hi newyiicoder,

It’s because the pager is not updated in ajax. You only replace the list part of the html.

BTW, why don’t you use the pager of CListView? You could customize it to your taste somehow.

Thanks a lot. That solved my problem. My _index_paging_view view file is now:


	$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(

		'id' => 'Ads',

		'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,

		'itemView' => '_view',


		'pagerCssClass' => 'result-list',

		'summaryText' => '',



<div id="latestAdsContainerBottomAdsPaginate">

<?php $this->widget('CLinkPager', array(

    'pages' => $pages,


	'prevPageLabel' => '&lt',

	'nextPageLabel' => '&gt',








$('ul.yiiPager a').click(function(ev){







and this way my actionIndex is only $this->render(‘index’); . So i have no duplication in my code.

Thanks again,
