User Profile Pic


i am new in Yii development

i made a model for the users and its working very fine but i want to make the user upload his photo and i show it in the view

i made "BLOB" field in my database for the photo

how can i save it in the db ? and how to show it in the view ? and what i need to change in the controll?


Yasser Hossam

Maybe instead of a blob field, you could use a varchar(). In the upload process just save the file to a directory like ‘images/avatars’. Then in the display just set an <img/> tag with the image.

I have seen info on the various sites about how to store an image in a blob field, but I have did it.

Hi YasserHossam,

see the discussion.

1 Like

Thank you very much jkofsky ,Alexandre Rodichevski

raelly helped me alot.

now i can upload the photo and it uploaded to the directory and with the name wich i specified .

but i can’t show it in the view.php or _view.php

i made a lot of effort to try that but i feel there is some problem , the image not appear in any case

some of code wich i used

<?php echo CHtml::image(Yii::getPathOfAlias(‘webroot’).’/protected/UsersPhotos/’.$model->Photo); ?>

<?php echo CHtml::image(dirname(Yii::app()->getBasePath()).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.‘protected’.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.‘UsersPhotos’.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.‘defualt.jpg’, ‘DORE’); ?>


echo &quot;&lt;img src=&#092;&quot;&quot;;

echo CHtml::encode('..&#092;..&#092;UsersPhotos/'.&#036;model-&gt;Photo);

echo &quot;&#092;&quot; alt=&#092;&quot;image&#092;&quot; height=&#092;&quot;200&#092;&quot; width=&#092;&quot;20&#092;&quot;/&gt;&lt;/img&gt;&quot;; 


<?php echo CHtml::image(dirname(Yii::app()->getBasePath()).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.‘protected’.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.‘UsersPhotos’.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.‘defualt.jpg’, ‘DORE’); ?>

Note: i am sure that it is the right path but the image not displayed in any of them !

and i made html file and put img tag with the same path and it desplayed normally

please advide me .


Yasser Hossam

Going to plug my own extension here and suggest you try Yush -

If you post your controller and model code, I’ll be happy to assist you to get it working.



Hello Matt,

Really thank you .

i don’t know the matter need to use extension or not . i just need to make the image appear like in html .

here is my controller creation function

	public function actionCreate()


		$model=new Users;







                       $fileName = "{$UserName}_{$uploadedFile}";  

                       $model->Photo = $fileName;




                        $uploadedFile->saveAs(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot').'/protected/UsersPhotos/'.$fileName);  // image 

                        // redirect to success page









my view :

<b><?php echo CHtml::encode($model->getAttributeLabel('Photo')); ?>:</b>

<?php echo CHtml::encode (dirname(Yii::app()->getBasePath()).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'protected'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'UsersPhotos'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'defualt.jpg', 'DORE'); //show the path ?>


    echo "<img src=\"";

    echo CHtml::encode('..\..\UsersPhotos/'.$model->Photo);

    echo "\" alt=\"image\" height=\"200\" width=\"20\"/></img>"; 


thanks again

if you want to show the image on view file

for e.g

1) in _form.php you can write a

'htmlOptions'=>array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data');

2) In your controller image filed save on db

 $model->image = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'BLOB');



Display the image on _form.php file




    $baseUrl = Yii::app()->baseUrl;

    $img = $baseUrl.'/upload/banner/'.$model->BLOB;

    $img1 = $baseUrl.'/upload/banner/no_images.jpg'; 

    if($img!='' && file_exists(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl.'/upload/banner/').$img) {

       echo CHtml::image($img,'',array("height"=>"3 0ox","width"=>"30px")); 

	}else {

      echo CHtml::image($img1,'',array("height"=>"30ox","width"=>"30px"));




@Ankit Modi ,Thanks brother

the problem may that i was uploading the images in folder in the protected folder

now it is in a folder in the project root

and i used some of your code and it is working very well

thank you very much

You need to make the ‘UserPhotos’ available to the web. The ‘protected’ directory is NOT accesssable via a browser. I would change the save location to ‘/images/UserPhotos’ then use:


<?php  echo CHtml::image(Yii::app()->baseUrl.'/images/UsersPhotos/'.$model->Photo); ?>

else, you could leave the avators in /protected/UsersPhotos, then create an action in the controller to get the avator

public function actionGetAvator($id) {

   //find the correct avator from $User->...

   //send it as an image file by using the php header() and sendFile() methods.


To generate the link something like this:

<?php echo CHtml::link(CHtml::image(array('site/getavator','id'=>$data->id)),...)

@jkofsky ,

its worked finally

thank you very much for your help

If you ever did want to use the Yush extension, you could use this code.

public function actionCreate()


	$model=new Users;






		$fileName = "{$UserName}_{$uploadedFile->getName()}";  

		$model->Photo = $fileName;



			$fullPath = Yush::getPath($model, Yush::SIZE_ORIGINAL, $model->Photo);









// View

<b><?php echo CHtml::encode($model->getAttributeLabel('Photo')); ?>:</b>

<img src="<?php echo Yush::getUrl($model, Yush::SIZE_ORIGINAL, $model->Photo); ?>" alt="image" height="" width=""/>; 

Also, you line of code

$fileName = "{$UserName}_{$uploadedFile}";  

should probably be

$fileName = "{$UserName}_{$uploadedFile->getName()}";

