Vanilla Yii2 Application With Composer Support

[size="4"]Get started with Phundament and Yii2(*)[/size]

Fork it on github


[*]Install composer

[*]Install application

composer.phar create-project -sdev phundament/app-vanilla2 

[*]Setup application

chmod 777 ./app-vanilla2/web/assets

[*]Open application



(*) for development and discussion purposes, not for production yet.

Existing related topics: Atomic Core and Packages and composer support.

You’re fast :)

Hehe, thanks :) But it’s only a composer.json file for now.

I’ve sent the “code” a couple of weeks ago to Qiang, since I had the chance to get my hands on it before it was on public preview.

My main intention is to lay out the foundation for composer usage for everyone with Yii2, I think there are still a lot of open points to discuss.