Security Issues With Useridentity And Cookies Solution

I want to be able to use cookies to allow autologin, but I don’t want my primary key for the user table (id) to be stored in plaintext in the cookie, which is why I don’t use the solution here:

My solution to this is storing the user id in a session variable called ‘userID’. I do this for autologin by making a custom class CustomUser that extends CWebUser and setting the session variable every time init() is called:

	class CustomUser extends CWebUser 


		public function init()





				$model = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('email'=>$this->getName()));

				Yii::app()->session['userID'] = $model->id;





Then, I override my UserIdentity.getId() to return that session variable:

	public function getId()


		return Yii::app()->session['userID'];


Does anyone see anything wrong with this? Is there some problem I’m missing? I’m new to PHP and Yii, so I don’t want to be making some crucial mistake.
