Ajaxbutton Action Dependant On Dropdown Selection

How do you pass a drop down selected value as an action in an ajaxButton?

Below is how I pass as a value, however I would like to pass the selected value from the drop down as the action name


echo CHtml::ajaxButton(Yii::t(‘default’,‘Run’),




            'data'=&gt; array(

                'avalue'=&gt;'js: &#036;(&quot;#dropdownlist1 option:selected&quot;).val()',






I tried the following but it doesn’t work


echo CHtml::ajaxButton(Yii::t(‘default’,‘Run’),

        &#036;this-&gt;createUrl('dynamics/'.'js: &#036;(&quot;#dropdownlist1 option:selected&quot;).val()'),







try this one


 echo CHtml::ajaxButton(

  // Lable of ajax button

  'Ajax Button Request',

  // Request function in controller of yii


  //Parameter with ajax request








); ?>

I’m not sure how this makes any difference. Doesn’t this just call the ‘create’ action in ‘site’ controller. I want to be able to pass the value as the name of the action and not hard code it.