
Hi! my questions its simple: multimodelform dont work with scenearios?

i defined my scenario in my model, in RULES, like this:

array('nombre_seccion, id_sala_ciclo_anio, id_nivel, id_seccion, alu_mat_tot, alu_mat_var, id_turno, asistencia_medica, id_localizacion', 'required' , 'on'=>'adulto'),

then in my AdultoController, in actionCreate :

public function actionCreate() {





		$establecimientousuario = UsuEstPla::model()->find('id_usuario = :id_uno',array(':id_uno'=>$id));

		$establecimiento = Establecimiento::model()->find('id_establecimiento = :id_uno',array(':id_uno'=>$establecimientousuario->id_establecimiento));

        $responsable = Responsable::model()->find('id_responsable = :id_est', array(':id_est'=>$establecimiento->id_responsable));


        $model = new Planilla;


		$detallePlanilla = new DetallePlanilla('adulto');


		$validatedDetalles = array();  








            //validate detail before saving the master

			$detailOK = MultiModelForm::validate($detallePlanilla,$validatedDetalles,$deleteItems);

			if ($detailOK && empty($validatedDetalles))


				Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error','No detail submitted');

				$detailOK = false;



			    $detailOK &&




				//the value for the foreign key 'groupid'

				$masterValues = array ('id_planilla'=>$model->id_planilla);

				if (MultiModelForm::save($detallePlanilla,$validatedDetalles,$deleteItems,$masterValues))








			'validatedDetalles' => $validatedDetalles,

			'establecimiento' => $establecimiento,

		    'responsable'=>	$responsable



but when I try to save the data does not validate $detallePlanilla

I download the demo of multimodelform and I Modify the code to use the scenario and did not work

any suggestions?