Multiple Databases In One Model

I am trying to query multiple databases (same table, same structure, just different databases) in a model file. I am using the "mpgii" extension to create the models. Then I override the connectionId() function like this:

public function connectionId()


		return array('db_1','db_2');


I know I can’t pass arrays to the MultiActiveRecord class so I changed the getDbConnection function to check if the returned argument is an array and if it is, get an instance for each connection like this:


		if (is_array($dbNameArray)) {

			foreach ($dbNameArray as $dbName) {



					if(Yii::app()->hasComponent($dbName) && (self::$db[$dbName]=Yii::app()->getComponent($dbName)) instanceof CDbConnection){



						throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','Active Record requires a "'.$dbName.'" CDbConnection application component.'));



		} else {




				if(Yii::app()->hasComponent($dbName) && (self::$db[$dbName]=Yii::app()->getComponent($dbName)) instanceof CDbConnection){



					throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','Active Record requires a "'.$dbName.'" CDbConnection application component.'));



			return self::$db[$dbName];


But when I try to access the page using the model I get this error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getSchema() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\yii\framework\db\ar\CActiveRecord.php on line 2309

What am I doing wrong?

may be this scenario is not suitable for using the AR . try DAO .

or just use one “db” component to query partial result set , then switch to another “db1” compoent fetch another partial row set , then make a merging ! :lol:

The second method that you suggested seems easier to me so how do I switch from one component to the other? As I said I can only return ONE component from connectionID :confused:

hehe :lol:

   $oldDb = Yii::app()->db;

   //switch to anther db:


   // then use your ar to do the stuff !


   // after query , switch back :


i have not met such things so the code just my thought , try it yourself !

Several days have passed since I fixed this so I thought I would post my solution:

  1. Define multiple db components in config/main.php

  2. In the model create a random public static variable like $dbName and a static array who will contain the databases that the model will search in

  3. Modify the search function to use CArrayDataProvider by merging the returned model arrays like this:

// Get data from all databases

		foreach (self::$dbList as $dbItem) {

			self::$dbName = $dbItem;

			$$dbItem = Order::model()->findAll($criteria);


		// NOTE: To add more databases add a variable in array_merge with the name of the db component e.g."db_3"

		$data = new CArrayDataProvider(array_merge($db_1, $db_2), array(


				'sort'=> array(

						'attributes'=> array(


										'DESC'=>'order_id DESC',



										'ASC'=>'date_modified DESC'




						'defaultOrder'=>'order_id DESC'


				'pagination'=> array(




  1. Modify the connectionId() function like this:

public function connectionId()


		if (self::$dbName === null) {

			return self::$defaultDb;

		} else {

			return self::$dbName;



  1. Finally modify controller functions to redirect you to appropriate db by changing the public static variable of the model.


public function actionView($id,$store)


		if ($store==='blah1') {

			Order::$dbName='db_1'; // This is the one you care about

		} elseif ($store==='blah2') {







(In my case I check a model attribute that is unique to each db)

That’s it. It doesn’t look very clean to me but it does the trick.