Is This Behaviour Expected?


I’m publishing module’s assets (js+images+css) with:

$url = Yii::app()->getAssetManager()->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.modules.imo.assets'),false,-1,YII_DEBUG);

Registering js script:


Everything is published correctly, the browser requests the script in folder base/assets/xxxxxxx/js/, but inside the script, when I try to set an image source path, with something like …/images/image.png I always get the base folder not the assets one… document.url returns the base folder too…

Here is the script:

var imgs = {

1: '../images/img1.png',

2: '../images/img2.png',

3: '../images/img3.png'


$.getJSON('list/get', updateIms);


function updateIms(data) {

	$.each(data, function (i, item) {

		var listitem = 

				"<div class='imlistitem'>" +

					"<div class='imlistitemtipo'>" +

						"<img src='" + imgs[item.tipo] + "'/>" +

					"</div>" +









I got an workaround but I don’t like it, in the script I get the path with:

var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");

var path = scripts[scripts.length-1].src;

And then I construct the image path string accordingly.
