Problem With A Loop...

In my controller, I have the following function…it should run thru numerous loops, but for some reason

returns after just the initial 100. I almost think it is not setting the start_element on subsequent loops.

protected function processJson($url, $auth, $params ) 


			$rec = 0;	

			$start_element = 0;

			$num_elements = 100;			


			$params = array(""); //array("start_element"=>$start_element); 	

			$obj  = $this->getJson($url, $auth, $params);

			$count = $obj->response->count;  // total count of items

			if ($count < $num_elements)	

				$num_elements = $count;


			if ($count > 0 )

				$arraydata = array();


  			if ($rec < $count ) {  

			 if ($count-$rec < $num_elements ) 

				$num_elements = $count-$rec;

			 for ($i=0 ; $i<$num_elements; $i++) {

		 	  $arraydata[$i+$rec] = array(

			  "id" => $obj->response->publishers[$i]->id,

		 	  "name" => $obj->response->publishers[$i]->name



			 } //inner loop

			 $rec = $rec + $num_elements ;

			 $start_element = $start_element + $num_elements;

			 $params = array("start_element"=>$start_element); 			

			 $obj = $this->getJson($url, $auth, $params);


			}// outer loop

		return $arraydata;


I’m an idiot…

if …doesn’t qualify as a loop.

I’m a tired idiot…