Combine Cgridview With Cjuiaccordion?

Hi guys,

I’m using CGridView (rather TbExtendedGridView) to show pretty complex data. What I want to achieve is, showing further content for each row in a hidden (onclick sliding open) div e.g.

My first thought was, to combine CGridView with CJiuAccordion. But I dont really know, how to achieve this.

Has anyone had the same problem and is able to help me out, how to fix this?

Thanks a lot!

Edit: what I’ve found so far is this here: but this is a little more complex, than what I want to do, I guess. But I still need to pass some info about the data of the actual row to the div partial to show up.

Any idea anyone?

I was trying to do the same thing, but I think because of the complexity of CGridView (with the dynamic pagination and sorting and all) this isn’t possible. I am however having some luck with creating my own accordion like this:


.table-accordion tr.header {

  cursor: pointer;


.table-accordion tr.section > td {

  border: 0;

  padding: 0;


.table-accordion tr.section > td > div {

  display: none;



<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

	//'afterAjaxUpdate'=>'js:accordionSections', // This may work for recreating sections after paginating or sorting


	'itemsCssClass'=>'items table-accordion',

	'rowHtmlOptionsExpression'=>'array("class" => "header")',

	'selectionChanged'=>'js:function(id) {

		$("tr.section div").slideUp(250);


		var $header  = $("#" + id + " tr.selected");

		// If no header is selected, all sections are collapsed




		var $section = $"tr.section");



)); ?>

<?php Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('accordionSections', '

  function accordionSections() {

    $("#accordion-grid tr.header").each(function(i, el) {

      var $el = $(el);

      // Dynamically get column count of header for section colspan

      var $content = $("<tr class=\"section\"><td colspan=\"" + $el[0].cells.length + "\"><div></div></td></tr>").insertAfter($el);

      $content.find("div").html("*** CONTENT HERE ***");




') ?>

Only one section can be open at a time, and of course the sections have to be recreated after paginating or sorting (afterAjaxUpdate may work for that). I’m also looking into opening a section on page load based on the primary key.

Thanks a lot for your answer. This got me one step further. But what I need to do, is inserting lots of different "data set" based information.

So, I want to show content, related to that "column" that is active. How could I solve this?

At the moment, I cant even figure out, how to insert html content into the sections. Thats my standing at the moment:


        $htmlContent = '<div class="test">

                            <img src="/abc/image.png"><div class="test2"></div>




            var htmlContent = "<?php echo $htmlContent; ?>"; 



        Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('accordionSections', '

        function accordionSections() {

        $("#accordion-grid tr.header").each(function(i, el) {

        var $el = $(el);

        // Dynamically get column count of header for section colspan

        var $content = $("<tr class=\"section\"><td colspan=\"" + $el[0].cells.length + "\"><div></div></td></tr>").insertAfter($el);







With this, the "section" div is just empty.

Any ideas?

I’m not any further with this issue. :frowning:

Anyone got another idea, how to solve this problem?


Oops, I kind of forgot about this thread :( Here’s how I get data from the current row:

(note rowHtmlOptionsExpression)

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(



	'itemsCssClass'=>'items table-accordion',



		"data-something"=>$data->something,            // Store row data in HTML5 data attributes



	'selectionChanged'=>'js:function(id) {

                $("tr.section div").slideUp(250);


                var $header  = $("#" + id + " tr.selected");

                // If no header is selected, all sections are collapsed




                var $section = $"tr.section");



)); ?>


        $htmlContent = '<div class="test">

                            <img src="/abc/image.png" alt="{something_else}"><div class="test2">{something}</div>



<?php Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('accordionSections', '

  var htmlContent = "' . addslashes($htmlContent) . '";


  function accordionSections() {

    $("#accordion-grid tr.header").each(function(i, el) {

      var $el = $(el);

      // Dynamically get column count of header for section colspan

      var $content = $("<tr class=\"section\"><td colspan=\"" + $el[0].cells.length + "\"><div></div></td></tr>").insertAfter($el);


      // Replace data

      var content = htmlContent;

      content.replace("{something}", $"something"));

      content.replace("{something_else}", $"somethingElse"));    // Note that data-something-else is accessed with $"somethingElse")






') ?>

Have you tried TbRelationalColumn here?