Soap Client And Beforesave Behavior Problem

Hi all,

I’m adding a web service to my Yii 1.1.13 application.

I have a model Persona with behavior afterFind and beforeSave. Using the browser, code inside those functions is processed, instead via SOAP client, is processed just the afterFind and not the beforeSave. This is my code:

model Persona:

class Persona extends ActiveRecord


    public static function model($className=__CLASS__)


        return parent::model($className);


    public function tableName()


        return '{{persona}}';


    // and so on...



abstract class ActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord


    protected function afterValidate() {

        $this->update_persona_id = Yii::app()->user->id;

        return parent::afterValidate();


    public function behaviors()


        return array(

            'activeRecordBehavior' => array(

                'class' => 'ActiveRecordBehavior',






class ActiveRecordBehavior extends CActiveRecordBehavior


    public function afterFind($event)


        // just to do something

        $fp = fopen('afterFind.txt', 'a');

        fwrite($fp, "\n\n----------\n");

        fwrite($fp, print_r($event, true));



    public function beforeSave($event)


        // just to do something

        $fp = fopen('beforeSave.txt', 'a');

        fwrite($fp, "\n\n----------\n");

        fwrite($fp, print_r($event, true));




Web service controller PersonaleController:

class PersonaleController extends WSController


    public function actions()


        return CMap::mergeArray(



                'api' => array(

                    'classMap' => array(

                        'WSPersona' => 'WSPersona'







     * Returns all Persona records

     * @return WSPersona[] the Persona records

     * @soap


    public function getPersone()


        return WSPersona::model()->findAll();



     * Update or insert a persona.

     * If the ID is null, an insertion will be performed otherwise it updates the existing one.

     * @param Persona $persona the persona model

     * @return boolean whether saving is successful

     * @soap


    public function savePersona($persona)


        if ($persona->id > 0) // update


            $persona->isNewRecord = false;

            if( ($dbPersona = Persona::model()->findByPk($persona->id)) !== null )


                $dbPersona->attributes = $persona->attributes;

                return $dbPersona->save();



                return false;




            $persona->isNewRecord = true;

            $persona->id = null;

            return $persona->save();




class WSPersona extends Persona



     * @var integer persona id

     * @soap


    public $id;


     * @var string persona cognome

     * @soap


    public $cognome;


     * @var string persona nome

     * @soap


    public $nome;


     * Returns the static model of the specified AR class.

     * @param string $className active record class name.

     * @return Persona the static model class


    public static function model($className=__CLASS__)


        return parent::model($className);




abstract class WSController extends CController implements IWebServiceProvider


    public function actions()


        return array(

            'api' => array(

                'class' => 'CWebServiceAction',





     * This method is required by IWebServiceProvider.

     * It makes sure the user is logged in.

     * @param CWebService $service the currently requested Web service.

     * @return boolean whether the remote method should be executed.


    public function beforeWebMethod($service)


        $safeMethods = array(



        $pattern = '/^(' . implode('|', $safeMethods) . ')$/i';

        if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest || preg_match($pattern, $service->methodName))

            return true;


            throw new CException('Login required.');



     * This method is required by IWebServiceProvider.

     * @param CWebService $service the currently requested Web service.


    public function afterWebMethod($service)




     * Authenticate the user to act via Web service.

     * @param string $username

     * @param string $password

     * @return boolean whether login is valid

     * @soap


    public static function login($username, $password)


        $identity = new UserIdentity($username, $password);

        if ($identity->authenticate())


        return $identity->isAuthenticated;



Via browser, getting (index, view) and setting (create, update) a Persona, files afterFind.txt and beforeSave.txt are created, so the behavior seems to be written correctly and working.

I have a SOAP client (a php script using SoapClient running from another machine) that perform:

getPersone, and the afterFind.txt file is created on the webserver, all persona records is retrieved correctly;

savePersona, and the beforeSave.txt file is NOT created on the webserver, but the new Persona is successfully written in the database.

Is it a bug of Yii behavior? Is mine (probably as I’m new in this world)?

Can you help me please?