Clogrouter Logpath On Linux Not Working

I have the following in my config/main.php:

‘log’ => array(

        'class' => 'CLogRouter',

        'routes' => array(


                'class' => 'CFileLogRoute',

                'levels' => 'error, warning',

                'logPath' => log_dir




On windows the logPath is used and the application.log is put on the new directory.

On linux I put a valid path (’/local/logs’) with 777 permissions.

No application.log is created.

If I comment out the logPath property, the application.log is created under ‘app/protected/runtime’.

Any ideas?

mimic your setting and it works, try

chmod 777 /local/

chmod 777 /local/logs

stupid me, i was looking for the log under /local/logs/app

it works fine

thanks for the quick response!

BTW chmod 777 is needed just for the directory itself, no need for the parent directories.