Server Error And Enableajaxvalidation

With Ajax form validation, if CSRF token is rotten (for example), server returns a 400 error, which is not processed.

A very small addition in file framework\web\js\source\jquery.yiiactiveform.js will use callback function to handle errors.

$.fn.yiiactiveform.validate = function(form, successCallback, errorCallback)

  • Function already has Callback, so we only need to use it, and add one more option in the settings.
  1. Add a third variable (in two places):

$.fn.yiiactiveform.validate($form, function(data) {

	var hasError=false;

	$.each(settings.attributes, function(){

		if (this.status == 2 || this.status == 3) {

			hasError = $.fn.yiiactiveform.updateInput(this, data, $form) || hasError;



	if(attribute.afterValidateAttribute!=undefined) {



}, function(){ //errror callback

	if(settings.errorValidate==undefined || settings.errorValidate()) {

			return true;




  1. add config variable(in two places):

$.fn.yiiactiveform.defaults = {


errorValidate: undefined,  // function() : boolean



settings.attributes[i] = $.extend({


	errorValidate : settings.errorValidate,


How to use: simple add option in the ActiveForm with your callback function:

<?php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(






		'errorValidate'=>'js:function(){alert(\'SERVER ERROR\');}',


)); ?>

It works :)

jquery.yiiactiveform.js with this changes attached: