Poligen - Automatic Generator Application Online - Free

Poligen - Automatic Generator Application Online - Free

Good morning!

I am very happy to launch a new version of the generator with a new interface Ext JS online and free to be used by the community and stakeholders.

Automatically generate applications from your database in less than 3 minutes of simple and easy way, following the best practice possible of Ext JS (http://www.extjs.com.br/forum/index.php?topic = 6850.0).

Feel free to test and use

Demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrFmM-alYu8

Poligen: http://policenosistemas.com.br/products/poligen/

If you do not have a remote database, send me the script that I generate local application

Gud job Dear…

really interesting…

best of Luck :rolleyes: