File Input

when I choose file and send the form it show me

"Image cannot be blank."

Even that i choose image

this is the form Model


class AdminNewCatgory extends CFormModel


    public $name, $image;

    private $_identity;


    public function attributeLabels()


        return array(




    public function rules()


        return array(

            array('name', 'length', 'allowEmpty' => false, 'min'=>4, 'max'=>30),


                'image', 'file',

                'maxSize'    => 2097152,

                'types'      => array('jpg','jpeg','png','gif','bmp'),






the action in controller

public function actionCatgory($id=0)



        throw new CHttpException(404);

    if($id == 0)


        // choose catgory

        $catgories = Catgory::model()->findAll(array('order'=>'id DESC'));

        $model = new AdminNewCatgory();



            $model->attributes = $_POST['AdminNewCatgory'];














this is the view

<?php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm'); ?>

    <div style="font-size:12px">

        <?php echo $form->errorSummary($model,'<span style="font-weight:bold;">אנא תקן את השגיאות הבאות:</span>'); ?>


    <br />

    <b><?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'name'); ?></b>

    <?php echo $form->textField($model, 'name'); ?>


    <br />


    <b><?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'image'); ?> <span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:10px">(JPG,JPEG,PNG,GIF,BMP)(גודל מקסימלי 2MB)</span></b>

    <br />

    <?php echo $form->fileField($model, 'image'); ?>


    <br /><br />


    <?php echo CHtml::submitButton('צור קולקציה'); ?>

<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

thanks for help ;)

You need to add multipart/encryption


<?php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm'); ?>

should be: 

$form = $this->beginWidget(



        'id' => 'YOU-SHOULD-ID-IT',

        'htmlOptions' => array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'),



To submit a file via $_POST

first of all, thanks for your commment ;)

second thing where does I put the variable $model?

edit: never mind, thank you very much ;)