How To Show $ (Dollar) Character In Cgridview Column Value

Hi Guys - I am having below column in CGridView widget:






since, value is being calculated, I need to show “Dollar Sign” in front of it’s value. HOw I can append it?

No doubt, I can append string functions like substr or chr etc. But those are also not working, I have tried below statement also:






add ‘type’ => ‘raw’ in column array

You might do better putting this logic into an anonymous function.




        $purchasePrice = isset($data->defaultVendor["0"]->purchase_price)

                       ? $data->defaultVendor["0"]->purchase_price

                       : null;

        return '$' . Yii::app()->params["currencyFormat"] . $purchasePrice;



It would at least make the logic clearer, which might prevent problems when determining how to add the symbol.