How can I solve global prefix for the page Title

How can I solve global prefix for the page Title?

Would it have an automatic from main.php in view only set TITLE.

Something ala before render or something …



'params' => array(

        'prefixPageTitle'=> 'My Application - ',



$this->pageTitle = 'My Account';

I do not use

$this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->params['prefixPageTitle'].'My Account';

result: My Application - My Account

how-to ?

thank you


You could define it in your protected/components/Controller.php for instance. I don’t know if it’s the best approach, but that’s what I do.

How about just put the prefix in your layout file? Either directly:

<title><?php echo CHtml::encode('My app - ' . $this->pageTitle); ?></title>

or using your parameter:

<title><?php echo CHtml::encode(Yii::app()->params['prefixPageTitle'] . $this->pageTitle); ?></title>