Make massive assignment work with setters in CActiveRecords too

If you have an ActiveRecord with custom setters like this:


class MyRecord extends CActiveRecord



    public function setTest($value)


        $this->something = $value;



then you can’t assign test with massive assignment:


$model = new MyRecord;


    'test' => 'testvalue',


because in CActiveRecord::setAttributes() we use property_exists(), which does not detect getters/setters:


    public function setAttribute($name,$value)




        else if(isset($this->getMetaData()->columns[$name]))



            return false;

        return true;


This is an unneccesary limitation i think. It also works for CFormModel so why not make it work for ActiveRecords, too?

Use cases:

  • Deal with HAS_MANY relations, e.g. create/delete entries in the connection table inside the setter

  • "Virtual attributes" for formatting/parsing decimals/dates (i18n)

Makes sense. Post it to github. Ideally with pull-request.

I needed this in something I was working on so I made the change below in case anyone else wants it. Code might be off a bit but seems to be working for me so far.

	public function setAttribute($name,$value)




		else if(isset($this->getMetaData()->columns[$name]))


	        else if(method_exists($this,'set'.ucfirst($name)) && $name != 'attributes' && ucfirst($name) != 'Attribute') {




			return false;

		return true;
