Multiple Pagination problem in same page. ( CListView )

Hi all I m new in yii. recently I have got in a problem. like I need to display CListView twice in same view page. I have also done it but problem is when I click on next page one of my CListView paging link. it also going both CListView next page. I want to manage separately CListView in same view page. Here is my sample code for your understanding…

controller action:

public function actionDashboard()


  $data = array();   

  $openOrders = RepOrder::getOpenOrders();

  $openOrdersDataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($openOrders);

  $openOrdersDataProvider->pagination->pageSize = 200;

  $data['openOrderDataProvider'] = $openOrdersDataProvider;

$submittedOrders = RepOrder::getSubmittedOrders();

$data['submittedOrderDataProvider'] = new CArrayDataProvider($submittedOrders ,array('pagination'=>array('pageSize'=>5)));  

$this->render('dashboard', $data); 


view dashboard.php code this one

widget(‘zii.widgets.CListView’, array(




'sortableAttributes'=>array( 'order_date'=>'Order Date',),));


widget(‘zii.widgets.CListView’, array(



'sortableAttributes'=>array( 'order_date'=>'Order Date',),));


if any body have solution. please help me…

Try adding different id for both grid.

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(



<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
