Saving custom multi select to the database

Hi again. :) I need your opinion on how to save a custom multi select to a database. I’m using jmultiselect2side extension and it is exactly what I need. i just don’t know how to save the selected values in the database and comma seperated,store2,store3 in my store column.

Help me veterans :) I had done this in my “made_from_scratch” application I just don’t know how to replicate it in yii.

Noob here XD. Thanks!

For the comma separated list use explode() to throw them into an array.

I am assuming that you want to save the same posted data for each "store" in you comma separated list. Not sure how your code looks, so will make it up as I go:

    $data_array = explode(",", $_POST['store_ids']);

    foreach($data_array as $val) {


        $model = new MyModel;

        $model->store_id = $val;

        // add whatever other $_POST data needs to be saved



hehe thanks sir :) do i put that in the controller of the model? in the actionCreate function? thanks again :)

	public function actionCreate()


		$model=new Store;

		// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed

		// $this->performAjaxValidation($model);











I think its fine in the controller… something like this:

        public function actionCreate()


                $model=new Store;



                    $data_array = explode(",", $_POST['Store']['store_ids']);


                    foreach($data_array as $val) {

                        $model=new Store;


                        $model->store_id = $val;







