getActiveFormWidget() returns wrong type?

I am only trying to create a non-AJAX registration form.

When I submit through a CForm, PHP says error() is being called on a non-object. I checked the source file where the error occurred and found that getActiveFormWidget() returns a CFormInputElement, which does not have error() defined. I found this out by cramming in:


I thought this had to do with CForm::activeForm, but it defaulted to CActiveForm.

What am I not understanding? I suspect I misinterpreted something along the way.


public function renderError()



    // $parent->getActiveFormWidget() returns object that does not define error()

    return $parent->getActiveFormWidget()->error($parent->getModel(), $this->name, $this->errorOptions, $this->enableAjaxValidation, $this->enableClientValidation);



class RegisterFormModel extends CFormModel {

    public $email;

    public $password;

    public $password_confirm;

    public function rules()


        return array(

            array('email, password, password_confirm', 'required'),


            array('password, password_confirm','length','min'=>'6','max'=>'20'),

            array('email', 'email'),

            array('email', 'length', 'max'=>256)



    public function attributeLabels()


        return array(



            'password_confirm'=>'Confirm Password',





<div class="form">

<?php echo $form; ?> 

</div><!-- form -->

Controller Action:

class RegisterAction extends CAction


    public function run()


        $register_model = new RegisterFormModel;

        $controller = $this->getController();

        $form = new CForm(array(

























        ), $register_model);

        if($form->submitted('register', true) && $form->validate())


            // ...




            $controller->render('register', array('model'=>$register_model, 'form'=>$form));    


