I do not know where Yii is looking for my views

Hi folks, new user here.

I understand my views follow the /protected/views/ControllerName/ActionName convention. My TreeController’s actions were resolved without an issue under /protected/views/tree.

In an attempt to mimic the web app generated by yiic, I made a base controller in the /protected/components directory called ArboretumController and started to subclass it instead of CController.

I then got errors telling me Yii could not find TreeController’s views, so I assumed that Yii started to look under a views subdirectory in /protected/components. However, duping the views did not help. These are the paths I’ve tried to put my views in:





I have also tried overriding CController::getViewPath(), which did not help.

I can solve this problem myself if I knew how to dump the variables Yii is using before the error is encountered.

Where is Yii looking for my views? I have checked the docs and forums, but the information I found has not helped me solve my problem.


    class ArboretumController extends CController {


        // anon sessions ok    

        protected $session;


        public function __construct() {

            $this->session = new CHttpSession;





class TreeController extends ArboretumController


        public function __construct()





	public function actionIndex($page = 'index')



        To avoid a fat controller with one action set for each

        possible page of a session-based stateful form,

        we select the form view based on a seperate GET argument

        outside of the route.





            $this->beginWidget('PagedFormWidget', array(

                'session' => $this->session







Hi and welcome to the Yii forum.

It’s not “ActionName” but “ViewName”… i.e. the view name you put as the first argument when calling render/renderpartial. - http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/basics.view

Hi there,

It looks like your problem stems from overriding the __construct() method without calling the parent in ArboretumController.php

Calling parent::__construct() with the proper arguments for CController.php’s implementation should fix your issue.


    class ArboretumController extends CController {

        // anon sessions ok

        protected $session;

        public function __construct($id,$module=null) {

            $this->session = new CHttpSession;


            parent::__construct($id, $module);



That seemed to solve my problem. Thank you very much for the prompt, friendly and helpful responses!