Add warning form


I am dealing with students and class.

I can select a class for a student in the update form. If there is more than 25 students in a class, it’s ok but i must show a warning. This warning must be validate by user, so i can’t use flash message for this. I want to show a form with the warning and a ok button, when the user click on it, the displayed form must be the view of the student.

In my controller, i do this:


if($class->class_id > 0 && $class->studCount >= 25)

{	// affichage d'un message d'avertissement

        $this->render('/student/avertissement_25_etudiants', array("model" => $model));





In the warning form, i have a button which would redirect me to the view of the student:






	{"/student/view", "Vue", array("id"=>$model->student_id));



But when i’m clicking on the button, the open form is my start form (update student) instead of the view.

Does anyone has an idea?

… Nobody?


try this code:






		'url'=>array('student/view', 'id'=>$model->student_id),



Thank a lot MadAnd!