CGridView doesn't update


I’m having some trouble when i update a CGridView using


as a success parameter in an ajax call.

I’m working on a page where i have a CActiveForm and a CGridView. The CActiveForm is used to add entries to the CGridView, which should be updated via jquery whenever an entry is added.

Here’s the script i use for submitting my form (updates the grid after submission):




			url: '".Yii::app()->createUrl('division/create')."',


			success: function(){







Whenever it is called, the gridview does not reload. instead, it hangs with the loading gif and this shows up in the Chrome console:

Uncaught TypeError: Object function (a,c){var d=[],e=function(a,<img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />{b=f.isFunction(<img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />?b():b,d[d.length]=encodeURIComponent(a)+"="+encodeURIComponent(<img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />};c===b&&(c=f.ajaxSettings.traditional);if(f.isArray(a)||a.jquery&&!f.isPlainObject(a))f.each(a,function(){e(,this.value)});else for(var g in a)b_(g,a[g],c,e);return d.join("&").replace(bC,"+")} has no method 'querystring'


Any ideas? :)



This code is not in the gridview JS… can you try to debug the call to the gridview update?

Try first to add some JS instruction after the call to update and set there a breakpoint to see if the error happens inside the update or even later…


Where have you put this JS code? There’s something wrong with the url.

Are you sure it’s in a PHP string, because it looks like you are concatenating a static string with a dynamic url?

Edit: I mean it’s ok if your code is something like





                        url: '" . Yii::app()->createUrl('division/create') . "', // the concatenation happens here


                        success: function(){







"); // end of your string wrapping function/method

I got this error, because I included another latest jquery.min.js, guess corrupted with Yii’s jquery

If you put something like this

<script src="//"></script>

inside your layout then you use cgridview, it loads its own jQuery. jquery.min.js then mess up $.param and the whole cgridview does not work.

My solution is to put

public $loadJQuery=true

in the controller and


    if ($this->loadJQuery)

        echo '<script src="//"></script>';


into the layout file

and set


in every action using cgridview

Mroz you can set Yii to not load jquery at all and load it yourself at all times… for this use the scriptMap property

In my case the cause of the problem was a missing library called "". It was missing, because I disabled it manually in the scriptMap config directive.

Also if your webroot/assets directory is not writable, that script will not be loaded and the jquery.yiigridview.js will generate the error you showed above.

Thanks a lot, it was my error;