define a scope with static relation


maybe someone has the the same Problem and could help me. I want to define a scope in a model with declared relations. One relation is static.

class User extends CActiveRecord{...

public function relations(){

		return array(


			'videos' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Video', 'creator_id'),

			'averageRating' => array(self::STAT, 'Video', 'creator_id', 

							'condition'	=> 'status_id = 3', 

							'select' 	=> 'AVG(rating)'),



If I create now a scope with the ‘videos’ relation, it works! But if I will create a scope with the static one, this failed. Here my code that works:

'scopeTest' => 	array(	'select'	=> '',

			'with'		=> array('videos'=>array('alias'	=>'v', 

								 'select' 	=> 'status_id, rating', 	

								 'joinType'	=>'INNER JOIN')),

			'condition' 	=> 'v.status_id = 3 AND v.rating >= 9,


This code works, but I couldn’t generate a avarage rating - maybe its not supported. And the other relation didn’t work:

'scopeTest' => 	array(	'select'	=> '',

			'with'		=> array('averageRating'=>array('alias'	=> 'r', 

									'on'	=> ' = r.creator_id', 

									'joinType'=>'INNER JOIN')),

			'condition' => "r.rating >= 9,


My purpose is to create a list with users but purge the users, which have videos whose rating is to small. There are further eliminations, which should handled with scopes. But at first I have to find a solution for this problem.

Thx for all help.


Hi badi,

As far as I know, we can not use STAT relations for filtering and sorting.

Please take a look at this wiki.

I’m not using scopes in the wiki, but I hope it will give you some hint on the problem.

Hi badi,

Check out these topics, hope they’ll be helpful:




Hi softark, Hi yugene,

at first, thanks for your replies. I’ve checked out your links and tried all proposals, but without success. Your wiki, softark, is very nice and helpful written. I tried to realize your hint generating a public variable for my ‘average_rating’, but I couldn’t take it in a scope.

For me its important, to have scopes for many use cases in my business processes.

By the way: Do I have well-understood, that a scope make my Model-Array smaler and smaler?


User::model()->findAll() ==> 500 Users found,

User::model()->firstScope() ==> 100 Users found,

User::model()->firstScope()->secondScope() ==> 50 Users found

If my understanding is correct, how can I realize this SQL in a scope:

 SELECT u.* from tbl_user u where ( NOT IN (SELECT FROM tbl_user u2 


		(SELECT v.user_id, AVG(rating) FROM 	

			(SELECT * FROM tbl_video WHERE status_id = 3) AS v 

 	   WHERE (rating >= 9) GROUP BY user_id) AS avg 

	ON ( = avg.user_id)))


For every user a calculated average rating, with a minimal rating of 9. I think the subquery in the INNER JOIN is the problem, how can I form this in a scope?

Thanks in advance and greetz


Ok, i found a solution in a scope that works. Maybe its the SQL-translation in scope-syntax, maybe its flawed, but it works :slight_smile:

class User extends CActiveRecord{


public function scopes(){

    return array(


 	'biggerThenAverageRating'	=>	array(

 		'condition' => ' NOT IN (SELECT FROM tbl_user u INNER JOIN

                                  (SELECT v.user_id, AVG(rating) FROM 

                           			(SELECT * FROM tbl_video WHERE status_id = :rated) AS v 

                                  WHERE (rating >= :ratinglimit) GROUP BY user_id) AS avg 

                       			ON ( = avg.user_id))',

          'params' => array(

   			':rated' => Video::TYPE_RATED,

   			':ratinglimit' => Test::RATINGLIMIT,







Thanks again for all your help,

greetz badi