How to add OR operator in condition for joins?

I’m trying the next:

                $criteria = new CDbCriteria();

                $criteria->compare('t.title',$searchQuery, true, 'OR');

                $criteria->compare('t.description',$searchQuery, true, 'OR');

                $criteria->with = array(


                        'condition'=>'author.firstname LIKE :query OR

                                            author.lastname LIKE :query',

                        'params'=>array(':query'=>'%'.strtr($searchQuery,array('%'=>'\%', '_'=>'\_', '\\'=>'\\\\')).'%')



This code generates query like:

... WHERE ((t.title LIKE :query) OR (t.description LIKE :query)) [b]AND[/b] 

              (author.firstname LIKE :query OR author.lastname LIKE :query) ....

How to change highlighted AND to OR ?

The construction like this, is not working:

$criteria->with = array(


                        'condition'=>'author.firstname LIKE :query OR

                                            author.lastname LIKE :query',

                        'params'=>array(':query'=>'%'.strtr($searchQuery,array('%'=>'\%', '_'=>'\_', '\\'=>'\\\\')).'%')


                   [b] 'operator'=>'OR',[/b]


In other words, how to change operators AND which Yii places in WHERE for JOIN tables?