How to customize the CgridView name

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(




			'name' => 'id',


			'value' => 'CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($data->id),array("example/view","id"=>$data->id))',



			'name' => 'customusername',


			'value' => 'CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($data->userid->username),array("user/admin/view","id"=>$data->userid->id))',





			'value'=>'CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($data->userid->email), "mailto:".$data->userid->email)',


If is use username this write from the model attribute, but is use custom name this is the header name and i dont use the sort options. How to use custom name with sort options?

I’m not absolutely sure that I understand your question, but I think you might be looking for the “header” key:


                        'header' => 'customusername',

                        'name' => 'userid.username',


                        'value' => 'CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($data->userid->username),array("user/admin/view","id"=>$data->userid->id))',


Also, I believe there is already an "email" type that will do the formatting you want for your email attribute:


It’s great.

If is use foreign table, how to sortable?


                        'header' => 'customusername',

                        'name' => 'userid.username', //is it the foreign table column and not sortable


                        'value' => 'CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($data->userid->username),array("user/admin/view","id"=>$data->userid->id))',


I find the solution. link

This is, if I may say, a classic wiki:

Searching and sorting by related model in CGridView


for foreign table

you have to use

if foreign table BELOGNS_TO


if foreign table HAS_MANY

