two layouts


is possible to make 2 different layouts for 2 users? User1 have layout1 and user2 have layout2.


In the constructor of your base controller class, set "layout" property of controller according to the user info.

:) thanx for reply


I have still problem. When I set "layout" property in action all work fine but when I try create constructor I have error:



AdminController cannot find the requested view "login".

My class:

class AdminController extends CController



	function __construct()


		$this->layout = 'admin';




	 * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked

	 * when an action is not explicitly requested by users.


	public function actionIndex()


		// renders the view file 'protected/views/site/index.php'

		// using the default layout 'protected/views/layouts/main.php'





	 * Declares class-based actions.


	public function actions()


		return array(

			// captcha action renders the CAPTCHA image








	 * Displays a login form to login a user.


	public function actionLogin()


		$user=new LoginForm;

		// collect user input data




			// validate user input and redirect to previous page if valid




		// display the login form

		$this->layout = 'login';




	 * Logout the current user and redirect to homepage.


	public function actionLogout()






Please check the constructor's signature. You should not change it, and you must call the parent constructor. The API doc doesn't say this clearly. I will add an additional init method for this purpose. Thanks.

Thanx for help qiang.

Yet I have:


        private $_id;



	 * @param string id of this controller


	public function __construct($id)





		$this->layout = 'admin';



Earlier I tried call parent constructor but too didn`t work. Maybe private variable helped?

Now work, thanx.

It's because you should call the parent constructor with the needed $id parameter, which tells the controller which action is being requested.