Active record: selecting only models with related models or descendants that have related models

So, there are categories and products, and i need to select the categories that are not empty in order to build the product categories menu.

Not empty mean that the category either contains products or a descendant category contains products. I wanted to do it with a scope, but i can’t seem to be getting far.

Something kind of like the following, but i need to recursively check more levels down the categories’ hierarchy


 * This is the model class for table "shopCategories".


 * The followings are the available columns in table 'shop_categories':

 * @property integer $id

 * @property integer $parentId

 * @property integer $order

 * @property integer $isActive

 * @property integer $cstamp

 * @property integer $mstamp


 * The followings are the available model relations:

 * @property ProductCategory $parent

 * @property ProductCategory[] $children

 * @property ProductCategoryL10n[] $l10n

 * @property ProductCategoriesProducts[] $productsJunction


class ProductCategory extends BogoActiveRecord



	public function nonEmpty()



			'with' => array(




					'joinType'=>'INNER JOIN', 'limit'=>1




		return $this;




Sometimes writing SQL is easier.

class ProductCategory extends BogoActiveRecord


    public static function fetchNonEmpty()


        $sql = "SELECT c.* "

            . "FROM category AS c JOIN products AS p on = p.cat_id "

            . "WHERE p.isActive = 1 "

            . "GROUP BY ORDER BY c.order";

        return self::model()->findAllBySql($sql);
