CSS not applied to AJAX renderPartial

I am having issues rendering a view via an ajaxLink. I am a newbie to Yii, but experienced with php.

Here are the relevant parts of my code:


<div class="EditMenuItem" id="Basic">

                <?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('Basic Information', $base . "/index.php?r=/stylist/updateBasic",

                           array('update' => '#Update'))




public function actionUpdateBasic() {

        $email = Yii :: app()->user->id;

        $user = User :: model()->findByAttributes(array("email" => $email));

        $stylist = Stylist :: model()->findByPk($user->id);

        if (isset($_POST['User']) and isset($_POST['Stylist'])):

            $user->attributes = $_POST['User'];

            $stylist->attributes = $_POST['Stylist'];




        $this->renderPartial('_basic', array('user'=>$user, 'stylist'=>$stylist), false, true);




just contains an ActiveForm widget. (screenshot = "output.png")

I would like the contents of the loaded view, _basic.php, to receive styles from form.css that I have already loaded in my main.php layout.


Unrelated to ajax. I didn’t have the CActiveForm in a div tag of class “form”. This complies to the provided file form.css leftover from the test application that Yii generates.