Displaying View on another View

Hello everyone

So I have been trying this for a while now, I will try my best to explain…should be simple

I have subcategories and Products, Most of my work is generated by yiic. Subcategories has a one-many relation with products. Now I need for when a user visits a specific subcategory to view the products for that subcategory. So for example: subcategory 1 > Product 1, Product 2, etc. I read the yii blg tutorial a few times already (please don’t refer me back). The best I got was to display the amount of products each subcategory has but not the actual products (like the yii blog).

Subcategories.php- I only changed the relations here as so…

public function relations()


		// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related

		// class name for the relations automatically generated below.

		return array(

			'products' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Products', 'PID'),

			'sCAT' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Categories', 'SCATID'),

			'productsCount' => array(self::STAT, 'Products', 'SCATID'),




<div id="products">

    <?php if($model->productsCount>=1): ?>


            <?php echo $model->productsCount . ' product(s)'; ?> // this displays No of products (correctly)

			 <?php echo $model->products; ?>// this just prints Array (literally)



// the following code does nothing just calls _products which I will show anyway (got it from yii blog)

        <?php $this->renderPartial('_products',array( 



        )); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>


subcategories/view/_products.php - it does nothing, not even sure if it’s the right way to go about this

	<?php foreach($products as $products): ?>

	<div class="products" id="c<?php echo $products->pid; ?>">

		<?php echo CHtml::link("#{$products->pid}", $products->getUrl($subcategories)); ?>


		<div class="content">


			<?php echo(CHtml::encode($products->SHORTENAME)); ?>


	</div><!-- products -->

	<?php endforeach; ?>

Not sure if you need to see anything else but these are the only things I edited to try and display all products belonging to a subcategory.


Hello. There’s for sure something wrong with this line


	<?php foreach($products as $products): ?>


if $products is an array (I guess so, from the code above), you should have


	<?php foreach($products as $product): ?>


and then deal with [font="Courier New"]$product[/font] as an array item.

Thanks for the reply

That’s something I noticed but it makes little difference, just to be sure I changed the array to product omitting the s and done


	<?php foreach($product as $products): ?>


Never made a difference.

Thanks again for the reply, much appreciated.

Let me make myself clearer:

First, you have this in your [font="Courier New"]views/subcategories/view.php[/font]

 <?php $this->renderPartial('_products',array( 



        )); ?>

Then in your [font="Courier New"]views/subcategories/_products.php[/font] (_products.php must be in the same folder than the former view.phph, by the way)

<?php foreach($products as $product): ?>

        <div class="products" id="c<?php echo $product->pid; ?>">

                <?php echo CHtml::link("#{$product->pid}", $product->getUrl($subcategories)); ?>

                <div class="content">

                        <?php echo(CHtml::encode($product->SHORTENAME)); ?>


        </div><!-- products -->

        <?php endforeach; ?>

See? You’re are passing $products array to the _products.php view, so you loop into it by [font=“Courier New”]foreach($products as $someOtherVariableName)[/font]


I understand what you are saying, I changed it up as you suggested. Still brings no results, it runs but no output. What I want is to display my products on my subcategories page/view. Am I even going the correct way about this?

(_products.php is in the same folder as view.php typo error)

Thanks again

Well yes in order to display subcategories products, it’s the correct approach although I can’t tell in detail since I don’t know your db structure or your code.

Can you add the following code directly in your [font="Courier New"]views/subcategories/view.php[/font] and tell me what it returns?

<?php $products = $model->products;

foreach($products as $product) {


} ?>


<?php $products = $model->products;

foreach($products as $product) {


} ?>

It runs but prints nothing, would you want me to show you my DB schema?


Weird. Please give again the complete view.php (including the loop with var_dump) and you actionView as well








	array('label'=>'List Subcategories', 'url'=>array('index')),

	array('label'=>'Create Subcategories', 'url'=>array('create')),

	array('label'=>'Update Subcategories', 'url'=>array('update', 'id'=>$model->SCATID)),

	array('label'=>'Delete Subcategories', 'url'=>'#', 'linkOptions'=>array('submit'=>array('delete','id'=>$model->SCATID),'confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to delete this item?')),

	array('label'=>'Manage Subcategories', 'url'=>array('admin')),



<h1>View Subcategories <?php echo  subcategories::model()->SCATENAME; ?></h1>

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(



















		array( 'label'=>'Service Pic',


'value'=>html_entity_decode(CHtml::image(Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/images/' . $model->SCATSPHOTO,'alt',array('width'=>341,'height'=>232))),





)); ?>




		<div id="products">

    <?php if($model->productsCount>=1): ?>


            <?php echo $model->productsCount . ' product(s)'; ?>

			 <?php echo $model->products; ?>



        <?php $this->renderPartial('_products',array(



        )); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>



		<?php $products = $model->products;

foreach($products as $product) {


} ?>


actoinview for SubcategoriesController

public function actionView($id)






actoinview for ProductsController

public function actionView($id)






Just want to say I appreciate the effort your putting in.


So my problem was in my relations

'products' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Products', 'PID'),

Should be

'products' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Products', 'SCATID'),

Now I get the list of products, only now I have an issue with linking to actual products page.

If I do

 <?php echo CHtml::link("#{$product->PID}", $product->getUrl($subcategories)); ?>

I Get it to link correctly but my approach just doesn’t seem right, very unprofessional.

public function getUrl($products=null)




		return 'index.php?r=products/view&id='.$this->PID;


Very Ugly coding, I tried deafult url manager, of course alot better but linking to my Javascript as so does not work

<script type="text/javascript" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?>/gallery/js/jquery.js"</script>

^ That will need more research, unless someone is willing to help…

To bennouna, thanks a lot for the help, I guess it was one of those errors I should pay more attention to. Always happens to me, once I was scratching my head for hours because I put a space on < ? PHP like that.


Hmmm I missed it :) Glad you solved it.

From what I’ve understood you need something like

echo CController::createUrl('products/view', array('id'=>$product->PID));


Personally I use comments in my DB scheme and rely on Gii/Giix to create relations. And I also stick to standard column names. id is always id whatever table it is :) and foreign id are always relationNameId. But it’s a matter of convention, comfort, and personal choice I guess.

PS I don’t understand what the jQuery problem is. Can you explain?

When I use the URL Manager built in config/main.php, I get nice URL’s but for some reason my javascripts don’t work anymore. I have a flash + Javascript slideshow but it only works when I comment out urlManager part.

<script type="text/javascript" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?>/gallery/js/jquery.js"</script>

^ That doesn’t work if I use the urlManager









^ I have to comment the above