Checkbox inside jquery dialog

This is how i add each checkbox to the jquery dialog:

echo '<div class="row cbox">

				<input id="StageDocumentType_status" type="checkbox" name="StageDocumentType[status]" value="'.$m3->status.'" onchange="">

				<label for="StageDocumentType_status">'.$m3->idStageDocument.'</label>


My submit button:

echo GxHtml::Button(Yii::t('app', 'Save'), array(

			'class' => 'btn_cancel',

			'submit' => array('project/teste')

Table attributes:

Table: Stage_document_type

Attributes: id(bigint), id_stage(bigint), name(varchar255), status(bit)

Goal: I want to post on my actionTeste the id_stage and then for each checkbox, check wherever they’re checked and then save on the table.

Any idea? please I’m used to the MVC system on the forms controllers models created by the GiiX but here I’m having trouble.