Modifying Advanced Search Behaviour

I’m trying to ‘pre process’ some search criteria in the ‘advanced search’ view of a grid.

How do you pull out the field values in the search js?

I’ve tried this:

nth-child(5) is called "Last Name"

$(’.search-form form’).submit(function(){

line 1 alert($(this).children(’:nth-child(5)’).text());

line 2 alert($(this).children(’:nth-child(5)’).val());

line 3 alert($(this).serialize());

$.fn.yiiGridView.update('itcontact-grid', {

	data: $(this).serialize()


return false;


line 1 correctly displays the field name.

line 3 correctly contains the text "LastName%5D=Jones"


line 2 is empty

surely it should contain the value (Jones)?