Cannot RUN GII

I am new to Yii and trying to follow steps in Getting Started sections. I have installed and created a testdrve application and it is working fine.

I run yii on windows/wamp server

For running Gii, I enabled GII in config/main.php but when I run the URL it shows the home page. It is not showing the login prompt for me. Can anyone help on this?

testdrive/index.php?r=gii is the url?

Yes, this is the URL

and is there theese lines in main.php config?




			'password'=>'your pass',


yes, all these are in place. Please see the below lines from my config file







and how is configured you urlnamager?

and version of yii are you using?

Do you have ip in your config?




		 	// If removed, Gii defaults to localhost only. Edit carefully to taste.



This was necessary on Windoze

I’m on linux now :D


Hello, there. Besides, can i save that config file on my PC?

in my situation (Enabled yii url management and removed index.php)

the below link worked to get gii.
