Sorting on second relation children?

I have three tables: Department 1–>n employee n<–1 bargaining_unit

In my Department model, I declare the following relations:

public function relations()


		return array(

			'employees' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'employee', 'department_id','with'=>'bargaining_unit'),



In employee, I have

	public function relations()


		return array(

			'department' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'department', 'department_id'),

			'bargaining_unit' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'bargaining_unit', 'bargaining_unit_id'),



And in my department controller, I have

        $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Department', array(


                        'with'=>array('employees'), //I've also tried the below with employees.bargaining_unit



In my _view, I want to output all employees in a given department, together with the name of their bargaining units, sorted by bargaining unit (i.e. like this

The trouble is that I can’t figure out how to give the reference. I’ve looked up the examples in the tutorial and googled the forum and site generally. And from that I would expect to add a line something like the fourth line in the code below to my dataprovider:

$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Department', array(



                        'order'=>' DESC',



This seems to have no effect when it is invoked in a department view. Nor do any of the following:

'order'=>' DESC',

'order'=>' DESC',

'order'=>'name DESC',

Can anybody explain how you sort on a second child like this? I should say that I can sort by adding a ‘with’ statement to relations()

public function relations()


		return array(

			'employees' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'employee', 'department_id','with'=>'bargaining_unit','order'=>''),



But what if I don’t want to set it as a default in the model or if I need to verride it somewhere else and use a different order?

then specify it in criteria:

$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Department', array(


                        'with'=>array('employees', 'employees.bargaining_unit' ),

                        'order'=>' DESC',



\Hmm. It isn’t seeming to have an effect. I’ll have to play around with it more, clearly!

Turn on profiling summary report (log route) and enable sql profiling in db connection. you will then see every sql query run in your application on every page. This should help understand what is going on, what tables are involved and what "order by"