Issue with gridview search


If you are having grid view of multiple pages with 10 records per page, assume you have 15 records having status =1, and 5 with status = 2, first do search by status 1, now you have two pages, goto second page and perform search by status = 2 search will not work unless you reload the page.

Is there any way to fix it? Need to reset current page when performing a new search.



I think you can put two radio button at the top of the grid , Can you please give your model name.


this is what my exact issue.

but still not found a solution



Problem solved by adding below rule to url manager


Had the same issue with advanced search…

I fixed this by embedding <?echo CHtml::hiddenField(‘NameOfModel_page’,‘1’); ?> in my _search.php

Makes no sense to have to do this so I wonder if we’re doing something wrong :confused: