Chapter 6 - page 145

Hi all,

I have followed the book and, up to page 141, everything it’s ok.

Which files have I to change, as explained in the note in page 145, under ../protected/views/issue/, and how ?

It is not so simple for a beginner understand where to put changes; if you could help me, it should be great.

Thank you in advance.

Yes has raised a valuable question i think some one should look on this.

The final tweaks are about passing the project_id as a url parameter. The files under views/issues/ define the navigation links and some of them need to be editted. Here is for example views/issues/admin.php and it’s navigation part:


  array('label'=>'List Issues', 'url'=>array('index', 'pid' => $this->project->id)),

  array('label'=>'Create Issues', 'url'=>array('create', 'pid' => $this->project->id)),


You may also want to read this thread which is relevant to Chapter 6 final tweaks: