CGridView and Date


Please, I need help.

I want to create the date filter in CGridView.

from, till.

I don’t know how to force CGridView to filter date.

I have already created fields for input of filters. Also has created it jquery a calendar.

My form:

<form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="get">

<div style="text-align:center">



	echo CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'date[from]', array(









	echo CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'date[till]', array(







	<input type="submit" class="make_filter" name="filterBtn" value="filter" />

	</div><br />

My Controller:


	public function actionIndex($id = false)


        $model=new User('search');

		$model->unsetAttributes();  // clear any default values


           if (empty ($_GET['User'])) { if (is_numeric($id)) {$model->company_id = $id;} } 





            $_GET['User']['date']['from'] = H::unix_time($_GET['User']['date']['from']);

            $_GET['User']['date']['till'] = H::unix_time($_GET['User']['date']['till']);


            print_r ($_GET['User']);








in my model

public function search()




        if(isset($this->date['from']) && isset($this->date['from']))


            $criteria->compare('date', '>='.$this->date['from']); 

            $criteria->compare('date', '<='.$this->date['till']);



        return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(


            'pagination' => array ('pageSize' => 100),



Why it does not work? I do not understand how to force it to work.

Hi Kuklovod and welcome!

Did you happen to see this?

It is a well thought out implementation, unfortunately as you can see from my last post there I have not gotten it to work for me yet. Maybe it will fit for what you need or at least give a point to compare and t/s from. If you happen to know what my problem may be with it I would appreciate any help there also.