CJuiWidget, javascript options


I am using a CJuiWidget, and I’d like to define a Javascript option, which would be considerate as javascript and not as a string.

Here is my example :

$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiSortable', array(



	'placeholder'=>'ui-state-hightlight ui-corner-all',


	'start'=>'function(e, ui) { $( ui.placeholder ).css( "height", $( ui.item ).css( "height" ) ); }',

	'update'=>'function(e, ui) {

		orderChanged = true;

		$( "#links li" ).each( function(i, val){

			$(this).find(".index").html( (i)+".");





When this widget is generated, start and update options are generated as string, but they should be javascript.

How can I do that ?


A bit late, I hope you found the answer before, but this is how it can be done:

$this->widget(‘zii.widgets.jui.CJuiSortable’, array(



  'start'=>'[b]js:[/b]function(e, ui) { ...