test error in CActiveForm

Hi every one, is there a way to put a test in the view that contain an CActiveForm ?

i mean is there a way to something like that :



    echo $form->errorSummary($model);


i know that “hasError” is not a property in hasError, i just put it like example ;)

Why would you need this…

if you check the source of errorSummary()… you will see that it does not output anything if there are no errors…

ops… the CHtml::errorSummary() does not echo anything if there are no errors…


the CActiveForm::errorSummary() does echo a placeholder even if there are no errors…

To test if there are errors… you can use $model->getErrors() - http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CModel#getErrors-detail

i need that because i want to display error message in a specefic box that contain other tags

<div class="error ">

            <a class="close" href="#"><img alt="close" title="Close this notification" src="<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?>/themes/img/cross_grey_small.png"></a>


                <?php echo $form->errorSummary($model); ?>



and i saw that when i want to change the error summary, i can only change the css, but not the content of the error summary, so i thought that putting this specefic error message into a test and become like i suppose :

<?php if($form->hasError) : ?>

<div class="error ">

            <a class="close" href="#"><img alt="close" title="Close this notification" src="<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?>/themes/img/cross_grey_small.png"></a>


                <?php echo $form->errorSummary($model); ?>



<?php endif; ?>

if you have an other way to display this i’ll be happy to hear it ^^

Yes exactly ! that’s what i’m searching :) thanx !

but to develop this topic, i want to know how can i costomise the errorsummary by adding html tags ? (like the example that i give)

errorSummary() has it’s fixed display…

but you can use $model->getErrors() to get the errors list… and display it anyway you want…

Noodled my brain over this for an hour. I have a specific class I need to attach to the error messages. So made the process a bit stickier since empty error messages would be rendered as an empty div with a class attached. I was focused on the CActiveForm functions. Thanks mdomba!

What I got that works:

    <? if(array_key_exists('username', $model->getErrors())): ?>

        <?= $form->error($model,'username',array('class'=>'message errormsg')); ?>

    <? endif; ?>

    <? if(array_key_exists('password', $model->getErrors())): ?>

        <?= $form->error($model,'password',array('class'=>'message errormsg')); ?>

    <? endif; ?>