Dynamic Class Attributes


Is there a reason why in yii I can not create dynamic class atributes.

This is what I get when instantiating A:

Property "A.dynamic" is not defined

Thanks and sorry, but I could’t find an answer in the forums.

class A extends CModel


    public $var1;

    public function __construct()


        $this->dynamic= 'test';



Hi yiisus,

You should declare $dynamic in the class.

class A extends CModel {

    public $var1;

    public $dynamic; //Declare dynamic as a class variable

    public function __construct()


        $this->dynamic= 'test';



The answer to your question can be found in the __set() magic method that is part of CComponent, which means all component subclasses are subject to this method of setting. The code does not allow for dynamic variables; as you can see, it throws an exception. For more information about the reasoning behind the method, read the CComponent documentation.

Thanks Jaymard. I just realized that I provided a bad example. But thanks to "Yoda Pop" and Calvaria in the other thread that you replied, I learned that I need to use magic functions (__set() & __get) to accomplish what I needed.

Thanks Master Yoda Pop :)

I definitely will go over the CComponent documentation. I have so many questions …, but I’m moving on with my project.