Having problem getting bizrules to work

I just learned how to use the RBAC and so far it’s working great except for the business logic. The task I created looks like it should work but for some reason it always fails. Here’s the logic:

       $bizRule = 'return Yii::app()->user->id==$params["object"]->user_id;';

       $task = $auth->createTask('updateOwnObject', 'update a object by user himself', $bizRule);        

and I’m testing it like this:

        $params = array();

        $params['object'] = Object::model()->findByPK(1);

        if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateOwnObject', $params))

            echo "Has access!";


            echo "Does not have access";

However, when I run the code in a var_dump like this it returns true:


Does anyone see anything wrong with my code. BTW if you need it here’s the full structure I created:

       $auth = Yii::app()->authManager;

        $auth->createOperation('createUser', 'create a user');

        $auth->createOperation('readUser', 'read a user');

        $auth->createOperation('updateUser', 'update a user');

        $auth->createOperation('deleteUser', 'delete a user');


        $auth->createOperation('createObject', 'create an object');

        $auth->createOperation('readObject', 'read an object');

        $auth->createOperation('updateObject', 'update an object');

        $auth->createOperation('deleteObject', 'delete an object');


        $bizRule = 'return Yii::app()->user->id==$params["object"]->user_id;';

        $task = $auth->createTask('updateOwnObject', 'update a object by user himself', $bizRule);         



        $role = $auth->createRole('registered');



        $role = $auth->createRole('member');




        $role = $auth->createRole('admin');







        $auth->assign('admin', '3');

        $auth->assign('member', '4');

BTW, why does the assign example in the docs use names (for the id)? When I use names it always returns false.

Try to call: Yii::app()->user->checkAccess(‘updateObject’)

        $params = array();

        $params['object'] = Object::model()->findByPK(1);


       // if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateOwnObject', $params))

            echo "Has access!";


            echo "Does not have access";     

Check this also:

return array(













updateObject works, it’s just the biz rule that doesn’t. The config file is correct as well. The problem is just limited to the updateOwnObject task.

Qiang has an answer: http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php?/topic/725-bizrule-in-authmanager-does-not-work/page__p__3943__hl__authmanager#entry3943


Thank you so much that was the problem, makes total sense, I’m surprised I missed it. :)

Hi to all

I have same problem :(



        $auth->createOperation('viewTimelineOwnerMode','View timeline in owner mode');

        $auth->createOperation('viewTimelineVisitorMode','View timeline in visitor mode');

        $auth->createOperation('administration','Admin level');

        //$bizRule= "return ($visited->id == Yii::app()->user->id)";

        $bizRule= "return 1 == 1";

        $task=$auth->createTask('viewOwnTimeline','View own timeline on public profile page',$bizRule);














so, admin and journalist see viewTimelineOwnerMode, but member not. and $bizRule= "return 1 == 1"; -> always true…

do anybody see what I did wrong?