active record massive assignment


Does someone know where in the Yii framework is done the massive assignment?

I mean the

$model = new MyModel(); $model->attributes = $_POST(['MyModel']);

Because for me it doesn’t work whereas I did what it is recommended in the tutorial …


It’s set in the setAttributes method -

Can you explain more on “it doesn’t work whereas I did what it is recommended in the tutorial”… what have you done exactly?.. and what is not working?

I create a searchFormModel, formView, an action in a controller.

In Firebug I see that correct data are posted MyModel[xxx]

My action’s code is somewhat classic. I just try to assign all the Posted data to the model.

in my view

<div id="mySearch-container">

    <div class="form">

    <?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(



    )); ?>

        <fieldset id="field-one">

         <div class="row col1">

              <?php echo $form->dropDownList(









                            function(data) {


                                $("#MySearchForm_version_id").empty().append("<option>Choisissez une version</option>");




                    'prompt' => 'Choisissez une marque'


               ); ?>


         <div class="row col2">

              <?php echo $form->dropDownList(










                        'prompt'=>'Choisissez un modèle'





         <div class="row col3">

              <?php echo $form->dropDownList(





                    'prompt'=>'Choisissez une version'






        <fieldset id="field-two">

             <div class="row col1">

                  <?php echo $form->dropdownList($model,'boiteVitesse_id',Voiture::getBoiteVitesse(),array('prompt' =>'Boîte Vitesse')); ?>


             <div class="row col2">

                  <?php  echo $form->dropdownList($model,'motorisation_id',CHtml::listdata(Motorisation::model()->findAll(),'id','nom'),

                          array('prompt' =>'Motorisation') ); ?>


            <div class="row col3">

              <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'anneeMin'); ?>

              <?php echo $form->textField($model,'anneeMin'); ?>

              <?php echo $form->error($model,'anneeMin'); ?>


            <div class="row col4">

              <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'anneeMax'); ?>

              <?php echo $form->textField($model,'anneeMax'); ?>

              <?php echo $form->error($model,'anneeMax'); ?>



        <fieldset id="field-three">

            <div class="row col1">

                <p class="prix-container">Prix Min:<span id="prix-min-label">3000 €</span></p>


                    $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiSliderInput', array(





                        // additional javascript options for the slider plugin







                            'slide'=>'js:function( event, ui ) {

                                        $( ".prix-container span#prix-min-label" ).empty().text(  ui.value+"€" );









            <div class="row col2">

                <p class="prix-container">Prix Max:<span id="prix-max-label">105000 €</span></p>


                    $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiSliderInput', array(





                        // additional javascript options for the slider plugin







                            'slide'=>'js:function( event, ui ) {

                                        $( ".prix-container span#prix-max-label" ).empty().text(  ui.value+"€" );










        <hr class="separation"/>

         <div class="row buttons">

              <?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Chercher'); ?>


    <?php $this->endWidget(); ?>



My Model :


class MySearchForm extends CFormModel


	public $marque_id;

	public $modele_id;

	public $version_id;

     public $motorisation_id;

     public $boiteVitesse_id;

     public $anneeMin;

     public $anneeMax;

     public $prixMin;

     public $prixMax;


	 * Declares the validation rules.

	 * The rules state that username and password are required,

	 * and password needs to be authenticated.


	public function rules()


		return array(

			array('anneeMin,anneeMax', 'safe'),




	 * Declares attribute labels.


	public function attributeLabels()


		return array(




And in my controller, something which will revolutionize the software industry :D

	public function actionIndex()


         $mySearch = new MySearchForm();

         // On traite la recherche si on récupère les éléments du Search

         if (isset($_POST["MySearchForm"])) {

            $mySearch->attributes = $_POST['MySearchForm'];

            // Assigment Doesn't work ....




		$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider(












               'model' => $mySearch



Then no assigment. This is my problem …

At the place where you check with print_r($mySearch)… try to see what is POSTed… like print_r($_POST[‘MySearchForm’] )

I obtain the right posted value.

But I feel my problem comes from the concept of safe data …

Hmmm I was right. By declaring all data safe in the rule array of the Model I obtain the assigment.

But is there a way to bypass this ?

I mean in the setAttributes there is an option parameter to say whether I have to assign only safe data or unsafe …

Is there a way to say "not safe" ? because I do not master the mechanism beyond the

$mySearch->attributes = $_POST['MySearchForm'];

I mean the ‘=’ operator

which seems to call the setAttributes

Check the documentation for massive assignment -

CModel->attributes property has a getter/setter -

so when you assign a value to it it calls the setAttributes() method…