[Extension] acSelect

I have created a extension acSelect.


acSelect (autocomplete Select) uses the CAutocomplete class to have a quick selection of entries and displays some selected data of the selected entry.

It useful on administration forms when you have to select a id from a foreign key.

e.g if you have a address list where you have company connected to each address, or a user table where a field address_id is associated with a address table with lots of entries.

If you click on the change button a searchfield will be displayed.

On enter a ajax request will be sent to a widget action class which generates the result and use the cautocomplete class to create a select field.

On select of on entry the search input field will be hided and the key of the selected entry will be set in a hidden value for further actions like saving into the database.

The "info" will display some fields of the selected entry.

The widget selects the columns defined via the colModel property (only the columns given) and make a ajax call to an action class which generates the select, queries and return the requested values via json.

This is then used together with CAutocomplete to generate the select field.

It supports the usage of searchpatterns e.g. like google usage of 'site:wwwyiiframework.com'.

the following search string would result in these sql where clauses(colmodel form the example below):

input => generated sql query where part

'test' => where default_column like '%test%' (e.g. lastname)

'lastname:mayer' => where lastname like '%mayer%'

'lastname:mayer firstname:bernhard' => where lastname like '%mayer%' and firstname like '%bernhard%'

'mayer firstname:bernhard' => where lastname like '%mayer%' and firstname like '%bernhard%'

'mayer vorfelder' => where lastname like '%mayer%' and lastname like '%vorfelder%'

mayer vorfelder’ => where lastname like ‘%mayer vorfelder%’ (quotes! used " ")

'id:2' => where id = 2 (id column is of type integer)

Each searchpart is divided with blank ' '. Multiple search parts will be connected with ' and ' in the searchquery. For strings table columns the like operator is used, for columns of type integer '=' to search for values.

If you want to search in multiple columns with one searchpattern you can just add the same pattern to multiple columns in the colModel property.


$colModel['Company'] = array('Name','name','name',2); // searchable and default

$colModel['Address1'] = array('Address1','address1','street',1); // searchable

$colModel['Address2'] = array('Address2','address2','street',1); // searchable

$colModel['Address3'] = array('Address3','address3','street',1); // searchable

with 'street:streetname' would create the query:

where (Address1 like '%streetname%' or Address2 like '%streetname%' orAddress3 like '%streetname%' )

Possibilities like to search for 'Lastname:mayer street:"streetname with blank" country:france' are possible.

This would create

where lastname like '%mayer%' and street like '%streetname with blank%' and country like '%france%'

The usage of the widget is quite easy:

<div class="simple">


echo CHtml::activeLabel($userlist,'AddressID');


* which fields should be displayed in the info part

* label => columns of model to display








* glue for multiple columns if no glue value is given <br /> is used 





/* js list pattern for the drop down list */

$list_pattern="'<small>'+i + '/' + max + ':</small> <b>' + row.lastname +' '+row.firstname+ '</b><br /><small>'+ row.email+ ' '+ row.country+ '</small>'";


* set colModel (columns to select for display and return)

* tablecolumn => options

* 0 - display name  ( not used yet maybe for generated js info pattern etc.

* 1 - datafield

* 2 - searchpattern eg. name: country:

* 3 - searchable (2 -> yes and default, 1 -> yes, 0 -> no.)



$colModel['ID'] = array('ID','id','id',1);   // searchable

$colModel['LastName'] = array('LastName','lastname','lastname',2); // searchable and default

$colModel['FirstName'] = array('FirstName','firstname','firstname',1); // searchable

$colModel['EMail'] = array('EMail','email','email',1); // searchable

$colModel['Country'] = array('Country','country','country',1); // searchable


       'model' =>$userlist,   // your model object of the admin form

       'select_model'=> addresslist::model(),  // model class of the selection

       'attribute' => "AddressID",  // which attribute

       'actionPrefix'=>'pro.',  // has to be the same as in the controller

       'name'=>'AddressID',   // name


       'buttonLabel'=>'User',  // label of the change button 'change ...'

       'default_search_data_field'=>'lastname',  // default data field for setting in the search field

       'default_data_field'=>'id',  // default data field for setting the value of the hidden field on selection









The only thing you must add to your controller is

        public function actions()


            return array(




There are some more settings and properties which are currently only commented in the widget source code.

Qtip is currently in the extension and is used to create a help tip for the user, to display the available searchpatterns.

This widget requires Sessions ! It doesn’t work without, because the action classes have no other options to get variables set in the widget class.


08.04.2009 fixed a small bug where a firephp instance was used in ACSelectAction class if not found.

I am trying use, but not have any errors…

What do you mean you don't have any errors?

No js error? Then it must be an error on the request.

Maybe you should look what the ajax request sents back.

I guess its the ajax request which doesn't work.

There could be multiple problemmakes:

  • do you use sessions ? (it wont work without cause I am saving multiple parameters cause I doesn't wanted get variables)

  • have you added the actionPrefix used for the widget in your controller?

I new that my documentation isn't quite good, but after the 2rd time when inserting this extension to the yii page and getting a session timeout and was logout and loosing all my entered documentation I wrote the stuff above. Which could be a little bit difficult to understand what the widget does.

One problem in a application I will develop in some time is, that we have several Entries e.g. in a Company table with the same names. So a easy drop down list with only the company name isn't possible. Also the amount of database entries in those tables (thousands) makes it difficult to select a specific item.

In a old application I had a button on a "update admin form" eg. to select a company for a user. And had to save a entered data for this update form show a table of all the companies (or paginated table) with searchoptions. let the user enteres his searchopotions and at last select the company entry he searches and get back to the update form of the user entry.

This widget could be completly used without saving of data and addtional forms.


thanks for reply!

-no js errors;

-I am usisng the default YII webapp generated, I need enable sessions?, sessions not work by default?

  • I use the prefix acording the instructions.

the autocomplete sample on doc of yii is working in may app.

on helper I can see the fields avaliable for seach:

I have only two fiels for lookup information under user model:

group and group_id

I will try debuging again; currently I removed all files after not found a bug in my config :)  that I can not post my conf here…


I guess the ajax request makes some difficulties, cause I found a problem there is a debug line in the ACSelectAction.php where a instance of FirePHP is searched.

This creates an error. I have uploaded a fixed version.

If you mean the Yii Skeleton with "default yii webapp" the code for the group selection in the views/user/update.php will look like this:






$list_pattern="'<small>'+i + '/' + max + ':</small> <b>' + row.id +' '+row.name+ '</b>'";


$colModel['id'] = array('id','id','id',1);   // searchable

$colModel['name'] = array('name','name','name',2); // searchable and default


       'model' =>$user,   // your model object of the admin form

       'select_model'=> Group::model(),  // model class of the selection

       'attribute' => "group_id",  // which attribute

       'actionPrefix'=>'pro.',  // has to be the same as in the controller

       'name'=>'group_id',   // name


       'buttonLabel'=>'Group',  // label of the change button 'change ...'

       'default_search_data_field'=>'name',  // default data field for setting in the search field

       'default_data_field'=>'id',  // default data field for setting the value of the hidden field on selection








But for such little selection I guess the normal autocomplete select possibilities is enough like mentioned in the cookbook.


The strenght of my extension really comes when displaying multiple info fields and also have more columns and entries to search for.


But for such little selection I guess the normal autocomplete select possibilities is enough like mentioned in the cookbook.


The strenght of my extension really comes when displaying multiple info fields and also have more columns and entries to search for.

yes, your script is powered for realistic aplication!

I willbe try now and post results.!

Could you give us a simple demo application that acselect implemented on it ?. I have tried what you wrote in code above, but nothing happened.


I have created a little demo for the blog demo which comes with yii.

I used it for the tag selection on the post update page.

This is only for demonstration and cause its only a single selection field not so good for the tag selection, but you can see what is does.

It also makes more sence if there are many tags in the database entered.

I modificated:

Postcontroller.php (1 line in actions method)

_form.php (in views directory to add the field)

and added the extension in the extension directory.

Hopefully anything is working because this is some older demo code and there could be some more modifications done while testing things out a few months before. If you have problems just ask for it.