Console App don't start


I'm attempt config a console application, but it doesn't work.

I created the below class into folder protected/commands:

class IWCTProcessor extends CConsoleCommand {

    public function run($args) {

        $user = $args[0];

        print $user;



I created a entry script as showed in manual. When I execute the below command:

$ php entryScript.php help

I received a response:

$ php entryScript.php help

Usage: entryScript.php <command-name> [parameters...]

The following commands are available:

 - iwctprocessor

To see individual command help, use the following:

   entryScript.php help <command-name>

But, when I execute the complete command below:

$ php entryScript.php iwctprocessor teste

The error below is showed:

$ php entryScript.php iwctprocessor teste

PHP Error[2]: YiiBase::include(IWCTProcessorCommand.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

in file F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframeworkYiiBase.php at line 297

#0  CConsoleApplication->displayError(2, YiiBase::include(IWCTProcessorCommand.php): failed to open stream: No such file or d

irectory, F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframeworkYiiBase.php, 297) called at [F:Desenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyii


#1  CErrorHandler->handleError(CErrorEvent Object ([code] => 2,[message] => YiiBase::include(IWCTProcessorCommand.php): faile

d to open stream: No such file or directory,[file] => F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframeworkYiiBase.php,[line] => 2

97,[sender] => CConsoleApplication Object ([commandMap] => Array (),[] => F:Desenvolvimentoworkspacesphpiwctprotectedco

mmands,[] => CConsoleCommandRunner Object ([commands] => Array ([iwctprocessor] => F:Desenvolvimentoworkspacesphpiwctpro

tectedcommandsIWCTProcessorCommand.php),[] => entryScript.php,[] => ,[] => ),[name] => IWCT Processor Console Command,[char

set] => UTF-8,[preload] => Array (),[sourceLanguage] => en_us,[behaviors] => Array (),[] => ,[] => F:Desenvolvimentoworkspa

cesphpiwctprotected,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array ([errorHandler] => CErrorHandler Object ([maxSourceLine

s] => 25,[adminInfo] => the webmaster,[discardOutput] => 1,[behaviors] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => )),[] => Array ([core

Messages] => Array ([class] => CPhpMessageSource,[language] => en_us,[basePath] => F:Desenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiifram

eworkmessages),[db] => Array ([class] => CDbConnection),[messages] => Array ([class] => CPhpMessageSource),[securityManager]

 => Array ([class] => CSecurityManager),[statePersister] => Array ([class] => CStatePersister)),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),

[handled] => 1,[] => ,[] => )) called at [F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframeworkbaseCErrorHandler.php:87]

#2  CErrorHandler->handle(CErrorEvent Object ([code] => 2,[message] => YiiBase::include(IWCTProcessorCommand.php): failed to

open stream: No such file or directory,[file] => F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframeworkYiiBase.php,[line] => 297,[s

ender] => CConsoleApplication Object ([commandMap] => Array (),[] => F:Desenvolvimentoworkspacesphpiwctprotectedcommand

s,[] => CConsoleCommandRunner Object ([commands] => Array ([iwctprocessor] => F:Desenvolvimentoworkspacesphpiwctprotecte

dcommandsIWCTProcessorCommand.php),[] => entryScript.php,[] => ,[] => ),[name] => IWCT Processor Console Command,[charset]

=> UTF-8,[preload] => Array (),[sourceLanguage] => en_us,[behaviors] => Array (),[] => ,[] => F:Desenvolvimentoworkspacesp

hpiwctprotected,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array ([errorHandler] => CErrorHandler Object ([maxSourceLines] =>

 25,[adminInfo] => the webmaster,[discardOutput] => 1,[behaviors] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => )),[] => Array ([coreMessa

ges] => Array ([class] => CPhpMessageSource,[language] => en_us,[basePath] => F:Desenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframework

messages),[db] => Array ([class] => CDbConnection),[messages] => Array ([class] => CPhpMessageSource),[securityManager] => A

rray ([class] => CSecurityManager),[statePersister] => Array ([class] => CStatePersister)),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[hand

led] => 1,[] => ,[] => )) called at [F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframeworkbaseCApplication.php:620]

#3  CApplication->handleError(2, YiiBase::include(IWCTProcessorCommand.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

, F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframeworkYiiBase.php, 297, Array ([className] => IWCTProcessorCommand)) called at [F


#4  YiiBase::autoload() called at [F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframeworkYiiBase.php:297]

#5  YiiBase::autoload(IWCTProcessorCommand)

#6  spl_autoload_call(IWCTProcessorCommand) called at [F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframeworkconsoleCConsoleComman


#7  CConsoleCommandRunner->createCommand(iwctprocessor) called at [F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframeworkconsoleCC


#8  CConsoleCommandRunner->run(Array ([0] => entryScript.php,[1] => iwctprocessor,[2] => teste)) called at [F:Desenvolviment


#9  CConsoleApplication->processRequest() called at [F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpyiiframeworkbaseCApplication.php:17


#10 CApplication->run() called at [F:DesenvolvimentoworkspacesphpiwctentryScript.php:11]

Anybody can help me?

Your command class has to be named as XyzCommand, where Xyz stands for the command name.


I'm sorry, I put name of File, but I forget put name on Class.
