Problem with CTreeView on mode prerendered = true

Problem is when the prerendered option is set.

I add checking that the current node’s index is the last and when is I add to css class name word ‘last’.

public static function saveDataAsHtml($data) {

		$html = '';

		if (is_array($data)) {

			$dataSize = count($data);

			$index = 1;

			foreach ($data as $node) {

				if (!isset($node['text']))


				$id = isset($node['id']) ? (' id="' . $node['id'] . '"') : '';

				if (isset($node['expanded']))

					$css = $node['expanded'] ? 'open' : 'closed';



				if (isset($node['hasChildren']) && $node['hasChildren']) {

					if ($css !== '')

						$css.=' ';



				if ($index == $dataSize) {

					$css .= ' last';


				if ($css !== '')

					$css = ' class="' . $css . '"';


				if (!empty($node['children'])) {









		return $html;
